The Rickshaw Travel Group ("Rickshaw Travels") was founded in May 1988. From our humble beginnings as a small travel agency, we have grown and expanded into several countries and today have 28 years of experience in the travel business, both corporate and leisure... read more .


Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa - the cheetah (70 mph), wildebeest, lion, and Thomson's gazelle (all about 50 mph).

African Elephants - The African elephant is the largest living land mammal.

Beetles - The world's largest and heaviest beetle, the Goliath Beetle is found in tropical Africa. It can reach a length of 5 inches and weigh up to ¼ lb.

Butterfly - Having a wingspan of only ½", the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa. It is known as the Dwarf Blue Butterfly.

Chameleons - Madagascar is the home of the world’s largest as well as the smallest chameleons! Almost half of the world’s chameleon species live on the island of Madagascar.

Cheetahs -The cheetah is the fastest land animal at 95 km/h (60mph).

Fish -The only place where schools of fresh water sardines are found is in Lake Tanganyika.

Frogs - The world's biggest frog is found in Cameroon. Named the goliath frog, their body can be one-foot long.

Giraffes - The tallest animal on earth is the giraffe - its horn tops being up to 6 metres above ground level.

Gorillas - The Gorilla is the largest of the living primates, male gorillas weight up to 200kg, yet are shy and retiring.

Nile Crocodiles - The Nile crocodile is Africa's largest living reptile - growing to an average length of 5 m.

Penguins - South Africa has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape.

Seals  - The largest seal colony in the southern hemisphere is a Cape Cross in Namibia.