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Most frequently asked question today

Is it safe to travel to Tanzania or Kenya because of the impact of Ebola? 
Don’t let the word Ebola scare you or stop you from traveling to beautiful East Africa. Africa is a huge continent so here are some pretty convincing points to remember.
First, consider the source of the scary news – usually news sites that sensationalize the facts, so let’s keep everything in perspective here.
Ebola can only be transmitted from a person already showing symptoms and then only if a person comes into direct contact with the sick person’s bodily fluids. The virus is rapidly inactivated by exposure to air, so it is not easily transmitted by droplet infection at a distance.
This fact alone should reassure you that Ebola cannot spread like other airborne diseases.

The actual distance in KM

3600 km Madrid, Spain
4936 km London, UK
4724 km Paris, France
3026 km Recife, Brazil
5797 km Cape Town, South Africa
5694 km Arusha, Tanzania
5114 km Maun, Botswana
5656 km Nairobi, Kenya

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