The Rickshaw Travel Group ("Rickshaw Travels") was founded in May 1988. From our humble beginnings as a small travel agency, we have grown and expanded into several countries and today have 28 years of experience in the travel business, both corporate and leisure... read more .

Mandatory Malaysia Digital Arrival Card

Beginning 1 January 2024 all foreign citizens travelling to Malaysia are required to complete the Malaysia Digital Arrival Card (MDAC) three (3) days prior to arrival, except:

i. Citizens of Singapore
ii. Diplomatic and Official Passport holders;
iii. Malaysian Permanent Residents and Long Term-Pass holders;
iv. General Certificate of Identity (GCI) Brunei Darussalam holders;
v. Brunei Malaysia Frequent Traveller Facility holders; vi. Thailand Border Pass holders; and
vii. Indonesia Cross-Border Travel Document (PLB) holders.

MDAC must be submitted to this link: https://imigresen-online.imi.gov.my/mdac/main


Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia