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National Park Roads in Kenya Get an Upgrade

27th February, 2019 12:35:05

Mount Kenya National Park and Tsavo East National Park have both completed upgrades to some of the major roads running through them, with an aim to attract visitors and increase revenues. In Mount Kenya National Park, the roads from Kalalu Farms to Sirmon Gates and Old Moses Camp, as well as the stretch between Naromoru Gate to Met Station Road is due for improvement. This 27km stretch of road is not the only one in the park being upgraded – improvements to the road along Aberdare National Park will be completed later this year. EU Ambassador to Kenya, Stefano Dejak, said of the improvements, “This road project will open the Mount Kenya National Park to more visitors… giving more people a chance to enjoy the magnificent views from the iconic mountain, while at the same time providing a sense of security due to the ease of access. This provides more opportunities for jobs within the tourism sector.” The project was funded jointly by the Government of Kenya and the European Union.



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