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Transit in UAE just got better

23rd April, 2018 11:59:11

Coming soon to a UAE airport near you. Recently the UAE Cabinet gave the green light to prepare a general policy to grant entry visas to transit passengers who wish to visit the country's landmarks and tourist attractions.
So what will this mean to you as a transit passenger? The new policy will allow you to enjoy a day out in the country, thus boosting the tourism industry.
Earlier last month, the Dubai Airports had unveiled a proposal that would allow transit passengers to leave the airport to experience the city.
"In Dubai, transit time will become tourism as passengers are encouraged to leave the airport to experience the city," the Dubai Media Office had tweeted then.
According to a video that the office tweeted, the 'Microcosm of Dubai' project proposed city-wide itineraries that guide passengers who are in transit in Dubai for more than four hours. Those in transit for under four hours will get a "virtual tour" of the city.
Nearly 4.5 million passengers transit through the Dubai International Airport every month, reaching more than 50 million a year. Of these, an estimated 46 million do not visit the city.
Most passengers remain in the concourse, shopping or having food and beverages, but now with this new proposal, you can go and enjoy the sights and sounds of Dubai, as a day tourist, before flying to your next destination.



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