The Rickshaw Travel Group ("Rickshaw Travels") was founded in May 1988. From our humble beginnings as a small travel agency, we have grown and expanded into several countries and today have 28 years of experience in the travel business, both corporate and leisure... read more .


Planning a trip involves more than booking a flight and packing a suitcase. Use these helpful trip-planning tips to make sure that you’ve got all your bases covered when planning your next big adventure.

1.  Organize Your Documents - Make sure your passport is up-to-date, with at least six months grace period from the end of your trip until your passport expires. Check the visa requirements of the countries you plan to visit – some require you to get a visa before you arrive, while other countries will issue a visitor’s visa upon arrival. And don’t forget to get travel insurance!

2.  Get Vaccinated - Check with your doctor to see which vaccinations you need for the location you’re travelling to. Some vaccinations come in the form of injections, and others are pills. Common ones include Malaria, Typhoid and Hepatitis.  

3. Take Care Of Home - Depending on how long you’re travelling for, make sure you have someone who will check on your home while you’re gone. Plants still need watering, bills still need to be paid,  and mail still needs to be picked up. Consider a house sitter if you will be gone for an extended period of time.

4.  Make A List - Make a packing list of everything you’ll need a couple of weeks before you leave. You will inevitably think of things to add to the list as your travel date gets closer – give yourself this extra time, so a day or two before you leave, you can ensure you have everything you need are organized to pack it all at once.

5. Take Care Of The Money - Make sure you have enough local currency for the country where you’re visiting, or you look into the options for currency exchange once you arrive. Traveller’s cheques are easy to travel with, but many countries have easy options for debit machines or currency exchanges available for travellers. Credit cards are convenient, but make sure your card will be accepted wherever you go, and check the fees for foreign exchange on your credit card before you use it.

Use these tips to help you get organized, get excited and get on your way!