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Kenya Reopens International Airspace Starting 01 Aug

3rd August, 2020 12:35:05

Kenya will be reopening international airspace starting 01 August, 2020.

The Ministry in consultation with relevant stakeholders prepared a Protocol for Air Travel Operations during the Covid-19 Public Health Crisis. The protocol seeks to provide guidelines to ensure that air travel remains safe during the pandemic for domestic and international flights. 

The Protocol has therefore confirmed that:

All arriving passengers on international flights whose body temperature is NOT above 37.5° C (99.5°F); do NOT have a persistent cough, difficulty in breathing or other flu-like symptoms; have negative PCR based COVID – 19 test carried out within 96 hours before travel and are from countries considered low to medium risk COVID – 19 transmission areas shall be exempt from quarantine.

Click here to view list of countries announced from which travelers will be exempt from quarantine.


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