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New Rail Link Planned in Nairobi To Ease Airport Traffic

26th March, 2019 17:26:00

After touring the new rail station with French President Emanual Macron, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta announced on March 13 that the new rail link between Nairobi’s Central Station and Jomo Kenyatta International Airport would be completed by 2021. President Kenyatta said, “A properly functioning urban commuter rail system and Bus Rapid Transit system in our cities, particularly here in Nairobi, will…make Nairobi a wonderful experience for tourists and visitors.” It is hoped that a partnership with a French consortium would allow the rail link to be finished quickly and efficiently, as current trends show visitors avoiding Nairobi and staying close to airports to avoid traffic and congestion in the middle of the city. The new rail link will help to ease these traffic burdens and make Nairobi friendlier to residents and tourists alike.


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