The Rickshaw Travel Group ("Rickshaw Travels") was founded in May 1988. From our humble beginnings as a small travel agency, we have grown and expanded into several countries and today have 28 years of experience in the travel business, both corporate and leisure... read more .


The Walk for Elephants has started – it began  in Arusha on August 25th and is to end in Dar es salaam on September 14th.  The African Wildlife Trust (AWT) has teamed up with the Tanzanian Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in the fight against poaching to raise awareness locally and globally.

The aim is to walk 30 km per day and camp overnight.  There will be a truck travelling alongside with all the gear and will go ahead to set up camp for the evening.  Pratik Patel, founder and director of AWT hopes this walk will educate as many people as possible about the importance of saving Africa’s endangered wildlife before it’s too late.

Follow Pratik on his walk as he posts pictures and keeps us updated on the group’s progress.  Help him by initiating conversations with your friends and family and see how you all can help save our precious animals. 

Rhinos and Elephants are a major tourist attraction and the country needs everyone to protect these species, not only for their value for tourism, but also for preserving these majestic creatures for the coming generations to enjoy.  Tanzania is not the only country suffering at the hands of the poachers, every country that has elephant and rhino populations are suffering so we ask that you do your part, either by donating funds to those institutions working to save these animals, or volunteer your services or even just talk about it to bring awareness to as many people as possible and ask them in turn to do their part in saving these and other precious animals.

To learn more about this cause, please visit the AWT website - http://africanwildlifetrust.org/the-walk-for-elephants-begins/