The Rickshaw Travel Group ("Rickshaw Travels") was founded in May 1988. From our humble beginnings as a small travel agency, we have grown and expanded into several countries and today have 28 years of experience in the travel business, both corporate and leisure... read more .

Ramadhan Health Tips


  • Fried and fatty foods
  • Excess salt
  • Foods containing too much sugar
  • Over-eating especially at saher
  • Too much tea or coffee at saher
  • Sleeping immediately after iftar and saher meals (wait a couple of hours).


  • Complex carbs at saher
  • Protein
  • Dates are an excellent source of sugar, fibre, carbs, potassium and magnesium
  • Drink as much fluid (preferably water) as possible
  • Baked or grilled foods (lean cut meats)


Walking in the evening for at least 30 minutes is an ideal routine activity.


Always check with your health care provider if you suffer from any health issues, e.g., diabetes.